Missing Evenings!!
Monday to Friday were purely work days, And the weekends always had a special place !
No matter how hectic the day was, You still had every evening for some pause !
“Work from home” the trending work life, Not only changed mine, my family’s lifestyle !
I have successfully learnt to pass on the pressure, Housewives too work full time and kids have lost time of leisure !
Not to forget some days when my boss is in good mood, I take some time off to cook some good food !
I map all stories in jira for a backlog, But forget to check when I sleep and alarm goes off !
I was happy to save my travel time, More productivity and more of me time … Ohhh I’m still figuring out that time !
It’s hard to decipher “work from home” As good or bad, I have some happy moments too, over the sad !
I promise, yeah I promise..to keep my productivity without any lack, But give my weekends and my evenings back !
Yeah I’m happy to be with family safe and sound, Yet eagerly waiting for the world to rebound !